Phycomyces nitens is one of the two species in the
genus Phycomyces in the Mucoromycota, a visually striking
genus of fungi because of the production of large asexual
sporangia. The best-studied species in terms of genetics and
gene functions is P. blakesleeanus
whose genome has been sequenced by JGI (Corrochano et al. 2016),
and less is known about P. nitens. P. nitens and
P. blakesleeanus are highly similar in their appearance in
terms of asexual sporulation and their sexual zygospores, to the
extent that at one point they were distinguished based on the size
of the asexual spores. However, they are reproductively
isolated from one another (Benjamin and Hesseltine 1959) and at the
molecular level appear to have considerable divergence in DNA
sequences (Camino et al. 2015). The Phycomyces
species are saprophytes, while the only other genus in the family
Phycomycetaceae, Spinellus, features species that are
parasites of mushrooms. Sequencing of P. nitens will
reveal aspects about genome evolution in this family and the order
Mucorales, the expansion of the sex locus responsible for mating,
and insights into genetic diversity for understanding population
genetics and speciation in this iconic Mucoromycota genus.
Benjamin CR, Hesseltine CW. 1959. Studies on the genus
Phycomyces. Mycologia 51: 751-771.
Camino LP, Idnurm A, Cerdá-Olmedo E. 2015. Diversity,
ecology, and evolution in Phycomyces. Fungal Biology 119:
Corrochano et al. 2016. Expansion of signal transduction pathways
in fungi by extensive genome duplication. Current Biology