Podospora tetraspora perithecia growing on M2 media. Photo credit:
Philippe Silar.
Podospora tetraspora CBS 815.71 Minimal Draft
Podospora tetraspora (= Schizothecium tetrasporum) is a pseudo-homothallic fungus that typically produces four ascospores per ascus (1). This species is frequently found on rabbit dung (1), but strain CBS 815.71 was isolated from soil in Ashdown forest, England. The sequenced strain is a F1 homokaryotic progeny of the self-fertile strain CBS 815.71. It belongs to the family Schizotheciaceae.
Genome Reference(s)
Please cite the following publication(s) if you use the data from this genome in your research:
Vittorelli N, RodrÃguez de la Vega RC, Snirc A, Levert E, Gautier V, Lalanne C, De Filippo E, Gladieux P, Guillou S, Zhang Y, Tejomurthula S, Grigoriev IV, Debuchy R, Silar P, Giraud T, Hartmann FE
Stepwise recombination suppression around the mating-type locus in an ascomycete fungus with self-fertile spores.
PLoS Genet. 2023 Feb;19(2):e1010347. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010347
Vittorelli N, RodrÃguez de la Vega RC, Snirc A, Levert E, Gautier V, Lalanne C, De Filippo E, Gladieux P, Guillou S, Zhang Y, Tejomurthula S, Grigoriev IV, Debuchy R, Silar P, Giraud T, Hartmann FE
Stepwise recombination suppression around the mating-type locus in an ascomycete fungus with self-fertile spores.
PLoS Genet. 2023 Feb;19(2):e1010347. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010347
(1) Bell, A. and D. P. Mahoney (1995). "Coprophilous Fungi in New Zealand. I. Podospora Species with Swollen Agglutinated Perithecial Hairs." Mycologia 87(3): 375-396.