The Puccinia striiformis PST78 genome was not sequenced at JGI and was imported from the Broad Institute. Below is the description of this lineage written by the Broad Instutute.
Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Eriks.
(Pst) causes stripe rust, an important disease of wheat worldwide.
Other formae speciales of P. striiformis cause stripe rust
of barley or other grasses. Stripe rust is most prevalent in cool
regions of the world where most of the world's wheat and barley are
produced. Because stripe rust is favored by low temperatures, the
disease occurs earlier in the growing season than leaf and stem
rusts, and therefore, has potential to cause more damage. Pst has
become increasingly important in the U.S. where epidemics since
2000 have caused yield losses of over 246 million bushels in spite
of millions of dollars spent on fungicides.
Unlike P. triticina and P. graminis, the Pst
lifecycle consists of uredinial, telial, and basidial stages;
pycnial and aecial stageshave not been found. The fungus produces
one-celled, dikaryotic (n+n) urediniospores-containing yellow to
orange-colored uredia on leaves, leaf sheaths, and glumes of wheat
or other grasses. Urediniospores are airborne and infect wheat and
grasses, and produce new urediniospores. The growth and
reproduction of the fungus within the plant tissue destroys leaf
area and utilizes water and nutrients from the host plant, which
inhibits growth and desiccates the plant, reducing grain yield and
quality. Later in the season, black telia may form along uredia.
Teliospores produced in telia are diploid (2n) and two-celled,
which can germinate to form one-celled and haploid (n)
basidiospores. Because Pst has no known alternate hosts,
basidiospores have no known function in the pathogen
Pst populations change their virulence amazingly rapidly by
mechanisms that are largely unknown. Pst is recalcitrant to
classical genetic manipulations because it is an obligate biotroph
without a known sexual stage.
Genome Reference(s)
Cuomo CA, Bakkeren G, Khalil HB, Panwar V, Joly D, Linning R, Sakthikumar S, Song X, Adiconis X, Fan L, Goldberg JM, Levin JZ, Young S, Zeng Q, Anikster Y, Bruce M, Wang M, Yin C, McCallum B, Szabo LJ, Hulbert S, Chen X, Fellers JP
Comparative Analysis Highlights Variable Genome Content of Wheat Rusts and Divergence of the Mating Loci.
G3 (Bethesda). 2017 Feb 9;7(2):361-376. doi: 10.1534/g3.116.032797