In the “1KFG: Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant
Dikarya” project (CSP1974), we aim to sequence additional
sampling of genomic diversity within keystone lineages of
plant-interacting fungi and saprophytic fungi that are of special
ecological importance for understanding terrestrial ecosystems. In
addition, comparative genome analysis with saprotrophic,
mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi will provide new insights into the
specific and conserved adaptations associated with each fungal
Pycnoporellus fulgens (Fr.)
Pycnoporellus is a genus in the family Fomitopsidaceae
(order Polyporales). Pycnoporellus fulgens is a rare
species, assessed as endangered (EN) in most countries where it
occurs. It usually grows on spruce (Picea abies), but has
also been found on pine, birch and aspen, with rare records mainly
from Central Europe, the Baltic countries, Fennoscandia and in
North America.
The species has a medium-sized protruding one-year-old sporocarp,
with an upper surface bright orange-red in colour. The maze-like
pillar on the lower surface is creamy-white and orange when aged.
Though it has been found in urban forests, P.
fulgens is a wood decayer that favours old-growth
forests. Several field observations report that P. fulgens
fruits on sporocarps of the polypore Fomitopsis pinicola,
without clear distinction if the interaction is symbiosis or
The strain PycfulGre-SM17 was isolated from a sporocarp of
Pycnoporellus fulgens fruiting on decayed Picea
abies, sampled in the Nordmarka forest (Grefsenkollen),
In 2018, we have re-introduced the relist P. fulgens in
three old growth spruce forests in southern Norway, in the frame of
our program on conservation translocation of endangered polypore
species led by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA),
County Governor of Oslo (Fylkesmannen), and the University of
Why sequence the
The phylogenetic positioning
of Pycnoporellus is of considerable interest as
the two species (P. fulgens and P. alboluteus)
form a clade with the genus Crustoderma (corticioid). All
of them are brown-rotters and are related to other brown-rotters in
the order Polyporales. However, multi-loci analyses have been
unable to establish the phylogenetic placement of this clade with
confidence (Binder et al. 2013, Justo et al. 2017). The genome will
help resolve its placement, as well as help understand if its
ability for brown rot was developed independently.
Researchers who wish to publish analyses using data from
unpublished CSP genomes are respectfully required to contact the PI
and JGI to avoid potential conflicts on data use and coordinate
other publications with the CSP master paper(s).
- Binder M, Justo A, Riley R, Salamov A, Lopez-Giraldez F, Sjökvist E, Copeland A, Foster B, Sun H, Larsson E, Larsson K-H, Townsend J, Grigoriev IV, Hibbett DS (2013) Phylogenetic and phylogenomic overview of the Polyporales. Mycologia 105 (6):1350-1373.
- Justo A, Miettinen O, Floudas D, Ortiz-Santana B, Sjökvist E, Lindner D, Nakasone K, Niemelä T, Larsson K-H, Ryvarden L, Hibbett DS (2017) A revised family-level classification of the Polyporales (Basidiomycota). Fungal Biol 121 (9):798-824.