Rhizopogon vesiculosus Smith is an ectomycorrhizal (EM)
fungus in family Rhizopogonaceae of order Boletales. Genus
Rhizopogon produce sexual basidiospores within hypogeous
sporocarps (false truffles) and rely upon excavation and
consumption of these sporocarps by mammals for spore dispersal.
While genus Rhizopogon associates with many EM host trees
in family Pinaceae, R. vesiculosus is an obligate EM
symbiont of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir)
(Massicotte et al. 1994). Along with its sister species,
Rhizopogon vinicolor, R. vesiculosus
makes up a major component of the EM fungal community
colonizing the roots of P. menziesii across all forest age
classes (Twieg et al. 2007) and is especially abundant in young
stands following disturbance (Luoma et al. 2006). P.
menziesii is a tree of major ecological and economic
importance. It is a dominant overstory tree in coniferous forests
of the North American Pacific Northwest and it has been planted on
a global scale as a source of high quality timber.
Rhizopogon vesiculosus occurs throughout the
natural range of P. menziesii in coastal western
North America and is an important factor in the establishment and
maintenance of P. menziesii
R. vesiculosus and R. vinicolor produce
sporocarps that are difficult to distinguish morphologically yet
they differ greatly in life history. They can occur in relatively
equal abundance when found at the same site but R.
vinicolor typically produces smaller genets and possesses
little population structure on the landscape scale while R.
vesiculosus produces larger genets and shows patterns of
inbreeding at the landscape scale (Kretzer et al. 2005, Beiler et
al. 2010, Dunham et al. 2013). Rhizopogon
vinicolor also undergoes vertical partitioning into a
realized niche in the upper soil horizon when co-occuring with
R. vesiculosus as the result of competitive interactions
(Beiler et al. 2012, Mujic et al. 2016). The differential
population structure of R. vesiculosus and R.
vinicolor might be explained by the greater likelihood of
R. vesiculosus mating with a close relative due to its
larger genet size (Dunham et al. 2013) or by selective pressure for
outcrossing in R. vinicolor (Mujic et al. 2016). Genome
assemblies will provide additional insight into the differential
population structure of these fungi by providing an opportunity for
the investigation of their mating systems.
At the broader scale, the genomes of Rhizopogon
vesiculosus and Rhizopogon vinicolor
will allow deeper inquiry into the ecology and evolutionary biology
of sympatric EM sister species. They will enable phylogenomic and
population genomic studies of genus Rhizopogon and will
allow for the study of genetic mechanisms that underly EM host
Beiler, K. J., D. M. Durall, S. W. Simard, S. A. Maxwell, and A.
M. Kretzer. 2010. Architecture of the wood-wide web:
Rhizopogon spp. genets link multiple Douglas-fir cohorts.
New Phytologist 185(2): 543-553.
Beiler, K. J., S. W. Simard, V. LeMay, and D. M. Durall. 2012.
Vertical Partitioning between Sister Species of Rhizopogon
Fungi on Mesic and Xeric Sites in an Interior Douglas-Fir Forest.
Molecular Ecology 21 (24): 6163-74. doi:10.1111/mec.12076.
Dunham, S. M., A. B. Mujic, J. W. Spatafora, and A. M. Kretzer.
2013. Within-Population Genetic Structure Differs between Two
Sympatric Sister-Species of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi, Rhizopogon
vinicolor and R. vesiculosus. Mycologia 105
(4): 814-26. doi:10.3852/12-265.
Kretzer, A. M., S. Dunham, R. Molina, J. W. Spatafora. 2005.
Patterns of vegetative growth and gene flow in Rhizopogon
vinicolor and R. vesiculosus (Boletales,
Basidiomycota). Molecular Ecology 14(8): 2259-2268.
Luoma, Daniel L, Christopher A Stockdale, Randy Molina, and Joyce
L Eberhart. 2006. The Spatial Influence of Pseudotsuga
menziesii Retention Trees on Ectomycorrhiza Diversity.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (10): 2561-73.
Massicotte, Hugues B., Randy Molina, Daniel L. Luoma, and Jane E.
Smith. 1994. Biology of the Ectomycorrhizal Genus,
Rhizopogon II. Patterns of host-fungus specificity
following spore inoculation of diverse hosts grown in monoculture
and dual culture. New Phytologist 126 (4): 677-90.
Mujic, A. B., D. M. Durrall, J. W. Spatafora, and P. G. Kennedy.
2016. Competitive avoidance
not edaphic
specialization drives vertical niche partitioning among sister
species of ectomycorrhizal
fungi. New Phytologist 209(3): 1174-83. doi:
Twieg, Brendan D., Daniel M. Durall, and Suzanne W. Simard. 2007.
Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Succession in Mixed Temperate Forests.
New Phytologist 176 (2): 437-47.
Genome Reference(s)
Mujic AB, Kuo A, Tritt A, Lipzen A, Chen C, Johnson J, Sharma A, Barry K, Grigoriev IV, Spatafora JW
Comparative Genomics of the Ectomycorrhizal Sister Species Rhizopogon vinicolor and Rhizopogon vesiculosus (Basidiomycota: Boletales) Reveals a Divergence of the Mating Type B Locus.
G3 (Bethesda). 2017 Jun 7;7(6):1775-1789. doi: 10.1534/g3.117.039396