Photo credit: Alan J.L. Phillips.
Saccharata proteae (=Phyllachora proteae
=Botryosphaeria proteae) is commonly associated with leaf
tip die-back and spots of Protea in particular, but also
of Leucospermum species. The fungus has only rarely
been isolated from stem tissue where it usually was a secondary
coloniser of wounded tissue. This is not a serious pathogen,
but it causes unsightly damage to leaves. Its endophytic
habit suggests that it is present in all regions where Proteaceae
from South African germplasm are cultivated.
The disease cycle is unknown. The pathogen occurs endophytically
and has been isolated consistently from symptomless leaves of
Protea spp. and some species of
Leucospermum. It has not been isolated as an
endophyte or pathogen from Leucadendron spp. It is
considered to be an opportunistic pathogen and frequently only
forms lesions on damaged (leaves stung by insects and stems wounded
by borer insects) or stressed tissues. Pseudothecia are commonly
observed on senescent leaves during the winter.
Crous, P.W., Denman, S., Taylor, J.E., Swart, L. & Palm, M.E.
2004. Cultivation and diseases of Proteaceae: Leucadendron,
Leucospermum and Protea. CBS Biodiversity Series 2:
Genome Reference(s)
Haridas S, Albert R, Binder M, Bloem J, LaButti K, Salamov A, Andreopoulos B, Baker SE, Barry K, Bills G, Bluhm BH, Cannon C, Castanera R, Culley DE, Daum C, Ezra D, González JB, Henrissat B, Kuo A, Liang C, Lipzen A, Lutzoni F, Magnuson J, Mondo SJ, Nolan M, Ohm RA, Pangilinan J, Park HJ, RamÃrez L, Alfaro M, Sun H, Tritt A, Yoshinaga Y, Zwiers LH, Turgeon BG, Goodwin SB, Spatafora JW, Crous PW, Grigoriev IV
101 Dothideomycetes genomes: A test case for predicting lifestyles and emergence of pathogens.
Stud Mycol. 2020 Jun;96():141-153. doi: 10.1016/j.simyco.2020.01.003