Scheffersomyces queiroziae (formerly Candida
queiroziae) has been sequenced due to its ability to ferment
D-xylose and the desire to better understand this trait as it
pertains to biofuel production. This species was originally
isolated from rotting wood and wood-boring insects in the Brazilian
Rain Forest (1). Its initial characterization found that it could
ferment cellobiose, a glucose disaccharide (1). Further study found
that this yeast species could be isolated from similar environments
on media containing xylose or xylan and confirmed its ability to
ferment D-xylose (2).
1. Santos RO, et al. (2011) Candida queiroziae sp. nov., a
cellobiose-fermenting yeast species isolated from rotting wood in
Atlantic Rain Forest. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 99(3):635-642
2. Morais CG, et al. (2013). D-xylose-fermenting and
xylanase-producing yeast species from rotting wood of two Atlantic
Rainforest habitats in Brazil. Fungal Genet. Biol. (60):19-28