The isolate Tilletiopsis sp. TKC30 represents an undescribed species closely related to T. pallescens. Tilletiopsis pallescens was first described as an epiphytic yeast-like fungus (Gokhale, 1972). It has been shown to have potential as a biological control agent against powdery mildew fungi (Klecan et al., 1990; Urquhart et al., 1994; Urquhart et al., 1997). Tilletiopsis pallescens was initially classified in the genus Tilletiopsis based on morphological similarities to the type species T. washingtonensis (Exobasidiomycetes, Ustilaginomycotina) (Gokhale, 1972). However, subsequent phylogenetic analyses revealed that it does not belong to Tilletiopsis sensu stricto (Begerow et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2015).
The genome of Tilletiopsis sp. TKC30 will represent the
first reference genome of the T. pallescens lineage.
Researchers will utilize this genome for phylogenomic
reconstruction to determine the phylogenetic placement of this
lineage within subphylum Ustilaginomycotina. Additionally, the
genome will provide a resource for comparative genomics in order to
explore genes involved in biological control of pathogenic
If you would like to use this genome in your research,
please contact Dr. M. Catherine Aime ([email protected]) and Dr. Igor
Grigoriev ([email protected]) for
Begerow D, Stoll M, Bauer R. 2006. A phylogenetic hypothesis of
Ustilaginomycotina based on multiple gene analyses and
morphological data. Mycologia 98(6): 906–16.
Gokhale AA. 1972. Studies on the genus Tilletiopsis. Nova
Hedwigia 23: 795–809.
Klecan AL, Hippe S, Somerville SC. 1990. Reduced growth of
Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei induced by
Tilletiopsis pallescens. Phytopathology 80(4):
Urquhart EJ, Menzies JG, Punja ZK. 1994. Growth and biological
activity of Tilletiopsis species against powdery mildew
(Sphaerotheca fuliginea) on greenhouse cucumber.
Phytopathology 84(4): 341–351.
Urquhart EJ, Punja ZK. 1997. Epiphytic growth and survival of
Tilletiopsis pallescens, a potential biological control
agent of Sphaerotheca fuliginea, on cucumber leaves.
Canadian Journal of Botany 75(6): 892–901.
Wang QM, Begerow D, Groenewald M, Liu XZ, Theelen B, Bai FY, et al.
2015. Multigene phylogeny and taxonomic revision of yeasts and
related fungi in the Ustilaginomycotina. Studies in Mycology 81: