Info • Trichoderma harzianum TR274 v1.0


Summary statistics for the Trichoderma harzianum TR274 v1.0 release are below.
Genome Assembly
Genome Assembly size (Mbp) 40.87
Sequencing read coverage depth 100x
# of contigs 2282
# of scaffolds 2282
# of scaffolds >= 2Kbp 1992
Scaffold N50 331
Scaffold L50 (Mbp) 0.04
# of gaps 0
% of scaffold length in gaps 0.0%
Three largest Scaffolds (Mbp) 0.18, 0.16, 0.16

ESTs Data set # sequences total # mapped to genome % mapped to genome
Ests Trinity_assembled_Illumina_ESTs 13236 12962 97.9%

Gene Models FilteredModels1
length (bp) of: average median
gene 1584 1309
transcript 1418 1164
exon 507 298
intron 94 68
protein length (aa) 443 356
exons per gene 2.80 2
# of gene models 13932

Genome Reference(s)


This project was not sequenced at the JGI.