Trichoderma reesei is an industrially important cellulolytic filamentous fungus. In light of T. reesei's capacity to secrete large amounts of cellulases and hemi cellulases, the DOE is funding research into developing T. reesei as a host to produce low cost enzymes for the conversion of plant biomass materials into industrially useful bioproducts such as sugars and bioethanol.
As a system for studying genomics, T. reesei with its genome size of 33Mb and seven chromosomes has many advantages: EST and cDNA collections, BAC libraries available to academic researchers from the Fungal Genomics Laboratory at NCSU, DNA mediated transformation is a routine procedure, gene knockout protocols have been developed and there is an active academic community of researchers world-wide.
Genome Reference(s)
Martinez D, Berka RM, Henrissat B, Saloheimo M, Arvas M, Baker SE, Chapman J, Chertkov O, Coutinho PM, Cullen D, Danchin EG, Grigoriev IV, Harris P, Jackson M, Kubicek CP, Han CS, Ho I, Larrondo LF, de Leon AL, Magnuson JK, Merino S, Misra M, Nelson B, Putnam N, Robbertse B, Salamov AA, Schmoll M, Terry A, Thayer N, Westerholm-Parvinen A, Schoch CL, Yao J, Barabote R, Nelson MA, Detter C, Bruce D, Kuske CR, Xie G, Richardson P, Rokhsar DS, Lucas SM, Rubin EM, Dunn-Coleman N, Ward M, Brettin TS
Genome sequencing and analysis of the biomass-degrading fungus Trichoderma reesei (syn. Hypocrea jecorina).
Nat Biotechnol. 2008 May;26(5):553-60. doi: 10.1038/nbt1403