Wilcoxina mikolae is a member of the Ascomycota in the
family Pyronemataceae. Like other members of the family it
produces meiotically-produced ascospores in small cup-shaped
fruiting bodies, and these spores are dispersed through the
air. It also produced chlamydospores in the soil via mitosis,
and these spores serve as local inoculum.
Wilcoxina mikolae is an important ectomycorrhizal
symbiont of the Pinaceae and many hardwood species. It occurs
naturally in Eurasia and North America, and has been accidentally
introduced along with pine throughout the Southern Hemisphere
[1-3]. The early mycorrhizal literature refers to it as
“E-stain” because on pine and larch it forms an
“ectendo” type of mycorrhiza in which host cortex cells
are penetrated by the fungus, but a mantel and Hartig net, typical
of ectomycorrhizae, is also formed [4, 5].
Wilcoxina species are among the most common colonizers of
young pine, spruce, and larch in nurseries and in post-fire or
post-disturbance forests [6-10]. Their occurrence in
disturbed settings is due primarily to its presence in the spore
bank, where it can persist for many years [11]. Wilcoxina
fruiting bodies are rarely collected perhaps because of their small
size and bland colors, and only four species [12] and two varieties
have been described. However the diversity of Wilcoxina
sequences retrieved from roots suggests that additional taxa exist
1. Barroetavena, C., et al., Molecular identification of
ectomycorrhizas associated
with ponderosa pine seedlings in Patagonian nurseries (Argentina).
Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche
Forestiere, 2010.
40(10): p.1940-1950.
2. Ivory, M.H. and R.B. Pearce, Wilcoxina mikolae newly
identified as
mycorrhizalfungus on pines in Africa. Mycological Research, 1991.
95: p. 250-253.
3. Walbert, K., et al., Ectomycorrhizal species associated with
Pinus radiata in
New Zealand including novel associations determined by molecular
Mycorrhiza, 2010. 20(3): p. 209-215.
4. Piche, Y., C.A. Ackerley, and R.L. Peterson, Structural
characteristics of
endomycorrhizas synthesized between roots of Pinus
resinosa and the E-strains
fungus, Wilcoxina mikolae var mikolae. New Phytologist, 1986.
104(3): p. 447-&.
5. Yu, T., K.N. Egger, and R.L. Peterson, Ectendomycorrhizal
associations -
characteristics and functions. Mycorrhiza, 2001. 11(4): p.
6. Baar, J., et al., Mycorrhizal colonization of Pinus
muricata from resistant
propagules after a stand-replacing wildfire. New Phytologist,
1999. 143(2): p.
7. Rudawska, M., et al., Ectomycorrhizal status of Norway spruce
seedlings from
bare-root forest nurseries. Forest Ecology and Management, 2006.
236(2-3): p.
8. Torres, P. and M. Honrubia, Changes and effects of a natural
fire on
ectomycorrhizal inoculum potential of soil in a Pinus
halepensis forest. Forest
Ecology and Management, 1997. 96(3): p. 189-196.
9. Danielson, R.M. and S. Visser, Host response to inoculation and
behavior of
introduced and indigenous ectomycorhizal fungi of jack pine grown
in oil-sands
tailings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De
Forestiere, 1989. 19(11): p. 1412-1421.
10. Lobuglio, K.F. and H.E. Wilcox, Growth and survival of
ectomycorrhizal and
ectendomycorrhizal seedlings of Pinus resinosa on iron tailings.
Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique, 1988. 66(1): p.
11. Nguyen, N.H., N.A. Hynson, and T.D. Bruns, Stayin' alive:
survival of
mycorrhizal fungal propagules from 6-yr-old forest soil. Fungal
Ecology, 2012.
5(6): p. 741-746.
12. Index Fungorm Website:
13. Egger, K.N., Molecular systematics of E-strain mycorrhizal
fungi: Wilcoxina
and its relationship to Tricharina (Pezizales). Canadian
Journal of Botany-Revue
Canadienne De Botanique, 1996. 74(5): p. 773-779.
Genome Reference(s)
Miyauchi S, Kiss E, Kuo A, Drula E, Kohler A, Sánchez-GarcÃa M, Morin E, Andreopoulos B, Barry KW, Bonito G, Buée M, Carver A, Chen C, Cichocki N, Clum A, Culley D, Crous PW, Fauchery L, Girlanda M, Hayes RD, Kéri Z, LaButti K, Lipzen A, Lombard V, Magnuson J, Maillard F, Murat C, Nolan M, Ohm RA, Pangilinan J, Pereira MF, Perotto S, Peter M, Pfister S, Riley R, Sitrit Y, Stielow JB, SzöllÅ‘si G, ŽifÄáková L, Å tursová M, Spatafora JW, Tedersoo L, Vaario LM, Yamada A, Yan M, Wang P, Xu J, Bruns T, Baldrian P, Vilgalys R, Dunand C, Henrissat B, Grigoriev IV, Hibbett D, Nagy LG, Martin FM
Large-scale genome sequencing of mycorrhizal fungi provides insights into the early evolution of symbiotic traits.
Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 12;11(1):5125. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18795-w