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JGI portals provide protein family annotation data for our organisms and organism group pages. Protein functional regions or domains provide insight into protein's function. Protein sequences are compared to multiple sequence alignments and profile hidden Markov models (HMM) for every known protein family in the Pfam database managed by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). The Pfam is a database of protein sequences where families are sets of protein regions that share a significant degree of sequence similarity, thereby suggesting homology. For additional information on their methods, see their help pages here: EMBL-EBI Pfam Help Summary. Briefly, each EMBL-EBI Pfam-A entry is assigned an accession number (format = PF00123) and new sequences are annotated based on the E-value generated by the HMMER3 statistical package which equals the number of hits that would be expected to have a score equal to or better than this value by chance alone. Each Pfam-A has a unique Domain Gathering Threshold which defines inclusion for subsequent protein sequences.

EMBL-EBI classifies Pfam entries in one of six ways:

Family: A collection of related protein regions

Domain: A structural unit

Repeat: A short unit which is unstable in isolation but forms a stable structure when multiple copies are present

Motifs: A short unit found outside globular domains

Coiled-Coil: Regions that predominantly contain coiled-coil motifs, regions that typically contain alpha-helices that are coiled together in bundles of 2-7.

Disordered: Regions that are conserved, yet are either shown or predicted to contain bias sequence composition and/or are intrinsically disordered (non-globular).

There are two pages containing information about a portal's Pfam annotations. Here, on the Pfam Annotations Summary Page you can search for and create lists of Pfam annotations within comparator genomes. These annotations have been assigned by generating a Gathering Score for each protein sequence. If the gathering score for given unknown sequence is greater than EBML-EBI's Pfam-A gathering score threshold for a particular domain, that pfam domain is predicted. Selected proteins can be viewed on the Proteins Browser Page. where additional information on the genomic location, context, and gene/protein size can be found.

To access the Pfam Annotations Summary Page from the homepage tree, choose a group of interest and select the Pfam Domains link from the pop-up menu. MycoCosm Tree Group Menu

To access this page from the organism page, select the ANNOTATIONS tab and then click PFAM DOMAINS. The Proteins Browser Page. is accessed by selecting the proteins of interest from this annotations page as described below.

Pfam Annotations Summary Filter

You are viewing a summary of all of or a subset of the Pfam Annotations in a portal. The group of annotations you are viewing is indicated here: Pfam Subset

At the top of the page are controls to filter the displayed Transporter annotations. By default the filter is empty and you can see all Pfam annotations available for the organism or organism group. The subset of Pfam's you are viewing is indicated above the menu bar. Pfam Annotations Summary Filter

Pfam Annotations Summary Table

This table shows the Pfam hierarchy and the total number of Pfam Annotations for every organism in the group that is specified in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Every row represents one Pfam annotation or group of annotations. The first column titled Annotations/Genomes contains the Pfam-A number. Clicking on a Pfam-A number will take you to the corresponding EMBL-EBI Pfam database page for additional information. Pfam Family PageThe second set of columns each represent one organism, and the organism's name links to that organism's description page. Every cell below the organism contains the total number of proteins with a given Pfam annotation for that organism and links directly to the Protein Browser for additional information.

Totals and sub-totals for Pfam families are shown according to the Pfam hierarchy. The PFAMs row and the Totals column contain totals across the row or column, respectively. The Annotation Description column contains a description of the Pfam identified in the Annotations/Genomes column. You can click on any value in the table to view the stated number of proteins in the Protein Browser. Here you can access additional information regarding the Pfams of interest.

Pfam Annotations Summary