Absidia species, including A. repens Tiegh
(1878), are members of the family Cunninghamellaceae of the order
Mucorales and a member of the “zygomycete” fungi.
Absidia species are characterized by the formation of
relatively small, apophysate sporangia (Fig 1) with deliquescent
walls, a single septum is formed in the subtending sporangiophore,
and the production of stolons and rhizoids; the sporangiophore is
never formed opposite the rhizoids (as in Rhizopus).
Zygospores are formed on opposed, more or less equal suspensors
adorned with several appendages (Fig 2). One species, Absidia
coerulea Bainier has been used in industry for
biotransformation and chitosan production, and (Nwe 2008). Some
former members of this genus are pathogenic (e.g. A.
corymbifera) causing mucoromycoses in humans and cows but
these taxa are now in the genus Lichtheimia Vuill.
Sequencing of A. repens will advance the 1000 Fungal
Genome Project by providing a representative genome for
Cunninghamellaceae, an important family of
“zygomycetes” and additional insight into this early
branching group of fungi.
Hesseltine, C.W., and J. J. Ellis. 1961. Notes on Mucorales,
especially Absidia. Mycologia 53: 406-426.
Hesseltine, C.W., and J. J. Ellis. 1964. The genus
Absidia: Gongronella and cylindrical-spored
species of Absidia. Mycologia 56: 568-601.
Hesseltine, C.W., and J. J. Ellis. 1966. Species of
Absidia with ovoid sporangiospores. I. Mycologia
Nwe N, Stevens WF, Montet D, Tokura S, Tamura H. Decomposition of
myceliar matrix and extraction of chitosan from Gongronella
butleri USDB 0201 and Absidia coerulea ATCC 14076.
Int J Biol Macromol. 2008;43(1):2-7.
Also see http://zygomycetes.org/index.php?id=108
Genome Reference(s)
Mondo SJ, Dannebaum RO, Kuo RC, Louie KB, Bewick AJ, LaButti K, Haridas S, Kuo A, Salamov A, Ahrendt SR, Lau R, Bowen BP, Lipzen A, Sullivan W, Andreopoulos BB, Clum A, Lindquist E, Daum C, Northen TR, Kunde-Ramamoorthy G, Schmitz RJ, Gryganskyi A, Culley D, Magnuson J, James TY, O'Malley MA, Stajich JE, Spatafora JW, Visel A, Grigoriev IV
Widespread adenine N6-methylation of active genes in fungi.
Nat Genet. 2017 Jun;49(6):964-968. doi: 10.1038/ng.3859