The sporangia of Caulochytrium (circles) attached to the hyphae of
Sordaria. The slipper shaped flagellated zoospores can be seen and
these are the single cells that were used for sequencing. Image
credit: Olive L.S. (1983)
Caulochytrium protostelioides is a mycoparasite of Sordaria and represents an unsampled lineage on the Fungal tree of life. Other species in the genus are known as parasites of Cladosporium. The fungus is zoosporic and uniflagellate, and is notable among other zoosporic fungi because it produces aerially dispersed sporangia (Olive 1983).
C. protostelioides has been selected as part of a Fungal single-cell genome sequencing pilot project and was sequenced using single-cell methods. A separate annotation, "Caulochytrium protostelioides ATCC 52028", was produced using non-single-cell methods.
Genome Reference(s)
Please cite the following publication(s) if you use the data from this genome in your research:
Ahrendt SR, Quandt CA, Ciobanu D, Clum A, Salamov A, Andreopoulos B, Cheng JF, Woyke T, Pelin A, Henrissat B, Reynolds NK, Benny GL, Smith ME, James TY, Grigoriev IV
Leveraging single-cell genomics to expand the fungal tree of life.
Nat Microbiol. 2018 Dec;3(12):1417-1428. doi: 10.1038/s41564-018-0261-0
Ahrendt SR, Quandt CA, Ciobanu D, Clum A, Salamov A, Andreopoulos B, Cheng JF, Woyke T, Pelin A, Henrissat B, Reynolds NK, Benny GL, Smith ME, James TY, Grigoriev IV
Leveraging single-cell genomics to expand the fungal tree of life.
Nat Microbiol. 2018 Dec;3(12):1417-1428. doi: 10.1038/s41564-018-0261-0
- Olive, LS. A new variety of Caulochytrium protostelioides. Mycologia. 1983. 75(5):923-926.